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"Taking the Pulse of the Nation."

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Moose Sounds (Hear Moose & Squirrel, Boris & Natasha!)

Moose Call! Here the call of the Bull Moose!


Contents Specs
Bullwinkle: "Uh oh!" 3K (1.14 sec.)
Natasha: "Not me, dahlink." 4K (1.35 sec.)
Natasha: "We better go, darling." 4K (1.45 sec.)
Rocky: "Time to go now!" 4K (1.45 sec.)
Natasha: "Of course, darling!" 5K (1.76 sec.)
Bullwinkle: "Boy, that was a keen idea!" 5K (1.87 sec.)
Bullwinkle: "Yeah, obviously." 5K (1.87 sec.)
Bullwinkle: "Don't worry, I got the point all right." 6K (2.08 sec.)
Boris: "Well, Natasha, look what you do now." 6K (2.18 sec.)
Boris: "O-U-T... come out!" (shot fired) 6K (2.28 sec.)
Natasha: "All right darling, now what's the plan?" 6K (2.28 sec.)
Rocky: "We gotta figure a way out of this, Bullwinkle." 7K (2.49 sec.)
Boris: "If you didn't done it yet, don't did it!" 7K (2.60 sec.)
Boris: "I knew I forgot something... he he he" 7K (2.60 sec.)
Boris: "What's the matter? Weren't you listening a minute ago?" 7K (2.60 sec.)
Natasha: "Boris! Is moose and squirrel!" 7K (2.70 sec.)
Boris: "Always somebody's got to gum up the works..." 7K (2.80 sec.)
Boris: "Hold hold"
Natasha: "Boris? Why you're stopping?"
8K (3.01 sec.)
Boris: "No, don't thank me... the least I can do." 8K (3.12 sec.)
Boris: "I wonder if things like this happen to honest people..." 8K (3.22 sec.)
Bullwinkle: "You have certainly confirmed my suspicions, Rock." 9K (3.43 sec.)
Boris: "If I got to work this hard to get rich, I might as well get a job!" 9K (3.43 sec.)
Rocky: "There's only one thing to do: I gotta fly down there after 'em." 9K (3.64 sec.)
Bullwinkle: (loud explosion) "What happened?" 10K (3.74 sec.)
Boris: "I can't help it, Natasha, when I get mad I'm liable to say anything!" 10K (3.84 sec.)
Bullwinkle: "Hey, Rocky!" 11K (.96 sec.)
Boris: "Of course he's safe. When I do a job, I do a (mumbles)... safe?" 11K (4.26 sec.)
Leader: "So I now give you the Pottsylvanian Order of the Double Cross" 11K (4.26 sec.)
Bullwinkle: "Hello there! Time again for a small belt of culture." 11K (4.47 sec.)
Natasha: "You here that, Boris?"
Boris: "I'm not deaf, Natasha... dumb, maybe, but not deaf."
11K (4.47 sec.)
Rocky: "This looks like real trouble, Bullwinkle!"
Bullwinkle: "Good, I hate that make-believe kind."
11K (4.47 sec.)
Bullwinkle: "Is it all over, Rock?"
Rocky: "I guess so."
Bullwinkle: "I didn't think it'd be like... this."
12K (4.68 sec.)
Bullwinkle: "This time for sure!" 12K (1.50 sec.)
Narrator: "Well, will Bullwinkle be able to extricate himself?"
Bullwinkle: "I will as soon as I get loose!"
13K (4.99 sec.)
Natasha: "You got plan, darling?"
Boris: "I always got plan! They don't ever work, but I always got one."
14K (5.51 sec.)
Natasha: "Boris, darling, your plan worked! Moose and squirrel are out of the way at last."
Boris: "You said it, kiddo."
15K (5.82 sec.)
Rocky: "Well, I guess this is it, old pal."
Bullwinkle: "It sure is... what?"
Rocky: "The end."
Bullwinkle: "Oh!"
15K (5.92 sec.)
Rocky: "And now, here with an unlimited supply of misinformation is Mr. Know-it-all" 16K (6.24 sec.)
Rocky: "Let's not say anything else about the terrible fix we're in - let's talk about something else."
Bullwinkle: "Anything you say, Rock."
17K (6.76 sec.)
Narrator: "The strain was terrific."
Bullwinkle: (groans from exertion, pop)
Narrator: "And impossible though it seemed, he got an idea."
18K (6.96 sec.)
Rocky: "And here he is: that master of misinformation, Mr. Know-it-all."
Bullwinkle: "Hi ho, culture fans!"
18K (7.17 sec.)
Natasha: "Is first-class fiendish plot, darling!"
Boris: "Should be - is disapproved by 'Bad Housekeeping' magazine."
19K (7.59 sec.)
Bullwinkle: "Now I am the master and you are the slave... you are in my power." 19K (7.69 sec.)
Rocky: "Well, thank you, Mr. Know-it-all." (loud crash)
Bullwinkle: "You're welcome down there!"
20K (7.80 sec.)
Boris: "Take that, moose and squirrel!" 21K (1.87 sec.)
Boris: "Me he he... Oh Boris, you are a sly rogue, if you do say so yourself... he he he... (sings) You were born to be kissed." 21K (8.52 sec.)
Boris: "He he he... you forget, I am professional villain. You think I would run away, desert my post?"
Natasha: "Yes!"
Boris: "You right - let's go."
22K (8.84 sec.)
Bullwinkle: "Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!"
Rocky: "Again?"
Bullwinkle: "Nothing up my sleeve... Presto! (lion roars) Hmm, don't know my own strength."
26K (10.60 sec.)
Natasha: "Now now now Boris, watch your language."
Boris: "Oh, ergh, purity!"
Natasha: "Boris, please!"
Boris: "Innocence, honor, virtue!"
Natasha: "Boris! There is a lady present!"
28K (11.23 sec.)
Rocky: "And now..."
Bullwinkle: "Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!"
Rocky: "Again?"
Bullwinkle: "Nothing up my sleeve... Presto! (roar)... No doubt about it - I gotta get another hat!"
28K (11.33 sec.)
Rocky: "And now..."
Bullwinkle: "Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!"
Rocky: "But that trick never works!"
Bullwinkle: "This time for sure... Presto... Well, I'm getting close."
Rocky: "And now it's time for another special feature."
32K (12.89 sec.)
Bullwinkle: "It is us - Rocky Squirrel and Bullwinkle Moose." 34K (3.06 sec.)
Rocky: "I wonder why they're shootin' at us..."
Bullwinkle: "Must be from a rival network."
48K (4.40 sec.)
Natasha: "We better go darling, or would you rather stay here and entertain the guests?" 51K (4.66 sec.)
Natasha: "Boris, speak to me! Say something!"
Boris: "I wonder if things like this happen to honest people?"
57K (5.20 sec.)
Natasha: "Boris, darling, I thought this hiding place was foolproof..."
Boris: "Foolproof, yes; idiot-proof, no!"
68K (6.27 sec.)
Boris: "Do I look like rat, Natasha?"
Natasha: "Of course darling, for me you always look like rat."
Boris: "Meh heh heh... flatterer!"
90K (8.28 sec.)
Narrator: "Our heroes were heading swiftly down the river and out to sea."
Rocky: "Bullwinkle, we're headin' swiftly down the river and out to sea!"
Bullwinkle: "Ok, I heard the man!"
Narrator: "Well, now what? You'll find out next time in 'Fools Afloat' or 'All the Drips at Sea'."
148K (13.73 sec.)

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